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Configure Autodesk Inventor Link Options

The Autodesk Inventor link provides some options that control the way it works and requests confirmation from users. The Inventor application link tab may be used to centrally control how Meridian will prompt the user when write access to an Autodesk Inventor document is required. These dialogs are intended to guide users in making sensible decisions during the design of their CAD models, but experienced users may perceive these warnings to be unnecessary. Settings are also provided that control how library parts are imported into a vault.

ClosedConfigure Link Options

  1. In Configurator, expand Environment in the configuration tree and select Application Link Settings.

    The settings for each application link appear in property pages in the right pane.

  2. Click the Inventor tab.

    The Autodesk Inventor link's settings page appears in the right pane.

  3. Click Edit.

    To export the settings file to your computer, click the Export button. This can be useful if you want to edit the file in another text editor. You can then copy your changes to the Clipboard and paste them into Configurator.

  4. Locate the [Settings]section and read the description of each setting.

  5. To change a setting from its default value, remove the leading semicolon from the line that contains the setting and edit the setting's value, if necessary.

  6. Click OK.

Settings that control the import of library parts include:

  • NewLibraryComponentDocType: The internal name of the document type to use for automatically generated parts

  • ReleaseNewLibraryComponent: If set to 0, leaves imported parts in the workflow state configured for the document type. If set to 1, automatically releases the part.

  • RedrawTitleBlocksOnUpdate: Has a significant impact on the behavior of property linking. When enabled, this setting has three potential values:

    • 0: Default value. Only the iProperties are synchronized

    • 1: Not only are the iProperties synchronized, but the visible title block is also redrawn to reflect the updated values. Autodesk Inventor must be installed on the computer for this to occur; the Autodesk Inventor libraries are required to update the visible geometry.

    • 2: The iProperties are synchronized, but the visible title block is only redrawn (Autodesk Inventor started) when documents transition to the the workflow's released state. That is, by the Release, Release Quick Change, Unretire, and Submit Working Copy commands.


      When the RedrawTitleBlocksOnUpdate setting is set to 1 or 2, the time taken to release the documents will be significantly increased due to the execution of the Autodesk Inventor update process in the background for each component document. If system performance during workflow transitions becomes unacceptable, ensure that this setting is cleared (0).

ClosedCreate Local Settings

By default, these settings will be read from the vault's configuration as defined above. However, registry keys may be set at the client computers that override the server settings.

To create local settings:

  1. On the client computers, create the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cyco\AutoManager Meridian\CurrentVersion\InventorLink.

  2. Create a DWORD value named SettingsSource.

  3. Set the data of SettingsSource to 1.

    If set to 0, then the settings will continue to be read from the vault configuration.

  4. Create additional DWORD values corresponding to any (or all) of the settings defined in the vault configuration and set the data accordingly.