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Review the Application Event Log

To review the Application event log:

  1. Open the CAB file generated by AMRepU with WinZIP or a similar program.

  2. Locate and open the Application Events.csv file and review the recommendations in the following table.

Application event log recommendations
Source Event Description Recommendation

AutoManager OML


“Vault status for Datastore <DatastoreName>, Section <VaultName>: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0”

If the numbers are all 0, the vault is consistent. If any of the numbers is not 0, see Run the Vault Consistency Wizard.

The numbers are the quantity of each of the following items found in the vault:

Value 1: "Ghost" documents in the Explorer view. The documents disappear from the Explorer view when selected.

Value 2: Documents without document types or property values.

Value 3: Garbage objects.

Value 4: Documents that cannot be opened or viewed.

Value 5: Documents that appear in searches, but disappear in the Explorer view.

Value 6: Usually related to referenced documents that cannot be found.



“File locked (133) <file name>'”

Another process (for example, antivirus scanner or backup program) is locking the Meridian database files.



GetNamedChild, GetObjectSetViaRoute, or GetRestrictedSet and “999, Out of memory”

Out-of-memory errors appear when the EDM Server service requests more virtual memory than is available. See Optimize the Server Operating System.

AutoManager EDM Server


“Error 2 reported by memory manager.”

See Optimize the Server Operating System.

AM Compound Item Service for Database Engine


“The Database reported an unexpected error.”

See Optimize the Server Operating System.