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Windows Registry Keys

In this section we list the registry settings created and used by the Meridian Enterprise server and client applications. Additional operating system or third-party application registry settings may have an effect on the performance or usability of Meridian Enterprise but are beyond the scope of this document and are not listed here.

The descriptions of value data and their effects are general and not guaranteed to be complete. The effects of settings may also change slightly between Meridian Enterprise versions.

The Meridian Enterprise 32-bit components run in WOW64 mode on 64-bit editions of Windows and access keys and values that are stored in the following registry sub-key:


For more information, see Registry changes in x64-based versions of Windows Server 2003 and in Windows XP Professional x64 Edition on the Microsoft Support website.


Do not modify any of the following keys except as instructed elsewhere in Meridian Enterprise documentation or by your Accruent Partner or a Accruent Support representative.

Making changes to the system registry can cause serious, system-wide problems that may require you to reinstall Windows to correct them. Make a backup of settings before making any modifications you are unsure about. Edit the registry at your own risk.