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HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Cyco\AutoManager Meridian\CurrentVersion\WebLink\Published Locations\<ID>

Registry values
Value Name Data Type Value Data



If this value is 1, explicit user authentication is required to open a vault.

If 0 (default), the current Windows account is used and separate authentication is not necessary.

This setting corresponds to the Authenticate logon credentials with the operating system option.



If this value is 1, the Value list in the Find dialog box shows a list of the existing values in the vault for the selected property regardless of how the Select a value from option is set for that property in the vault configuration as described in Restrict user input.

If 0 (default), no values are listed in the Find dialog box.

If desired, set this value to 1 if all properties that are likely to be searched have manageable quantities of unique, existing values and the performance of showing the value lists is acceptable. The behavior of the value list on property pages is unchanged and reflects the configuration setting. This affects only PowerWeb, not PowerUser.

CommonWorkspace String The lock ID uses the format COMPUTERNAME\USERNAME. This setting specifies the value for COMPUTERNAME if the system cannot determine it automatically, such as in a remote access session.



Name specified in Configurator for the published vault context.


String Name of a scope to show for the location.



GUID of a global search query to set as default the default landing page.



Vault context published by PowerWeb for use by Local Workspace.