Fullscreen Image

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Cyco\AutoManager Meridian\CurrentVersion\WebLink

Registry values

Value Name

Data Type

Value Data



If this value is 1 (default), the item Meridian Wishlist is visible in the user's menu in PowerWeb.

If this value is 0, the item is hidden.



If this value is 0 (default), PowerWeb will not allow anonymous users to use the viewer and thereby claim licenses.

If this value is 1, the viewer may be used.



If this value is absent or 1, the default behavior occurs. In this case, when users create new documents and set properties that are used in the Field-Path definition, the new values are applied as soon as possible. This can cause new folders to be created with an underscore (_) as the name .

If this value is 0, the new values are applied later in the transaction after the folder names have already been set.

CADLinkExtensions String Semicolon-delimited list of file extensions for which to enable the CAD application links in PowerWeb. The extensions are as follows: dst; dgn; dwg; doc; docx; docm; xls; xlsx; xlsm; ppt; pptx; pptm; vsdx; vsdm.
ColumnFilteringLimit DWORD

If the number of documents in a search result is below the threshold set by this setting, column filtering is available for the search results.

If the number of documents is above this threshold, column filtering is disabled.

This setting improves the speed at which search results are displayed in PowerWeb.

0: default value, no limitations placed on search result size


String The filename of an image to show as the logo in PowerWeb. By default, the Accruent logo is shown. The file must reside in the C:\inetpub\AMM\Img folder on the PowerWeb server.
CustomFullURL String

URL of Meridian PowerWeb for use from outside the LAN (for example, http://<YourDomain>:8082/meridian/start).

This setting should only be used as a temporary solution while troubleshooting host name resolution problems with the default URL. Also see UseCurrentHost in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Cyco\AutoManager View Control2\Settings.

DbgXMLPath String Path to a folder to save XML files generated by PowerWeb. For debugging only.



Method used to create thumbnail images:

0 (default): Create the thumbnail image from the preview image stored in the file if it exists.

1: Do not create thumbnail images at all.

2: Use the web server to create thumbnail images from the source file only if no preview image exists.



Controls if PowerWeb should check your VBScript for visibility expressions when the user is editing a property or wizard page. You should configure this setting if your configuration is complex and the visibility expressions in your VBScript are resulting in lag time.

0 (default): PowerWeb evaluates the visibility expressions as configured in the Configurator.

1: When a user is editing a wizard page, PowerWeb does not evaluate visibility expressions related to the display of property pages.

2: When a user is editing a wizard page, PowerWeb does not evaluate visibility expressions related to the display of commands.

4: When a user is editing a property page, PowerWeb does not evaluate visibility expressions related to the display of property pages.

8: When a user is editing a property page, PowerWeb does not evaluate visibility expressions related to the display of commands.

To apply multiple settings at the same time, combine their respective values. As an example, to disable both property page visibility and command visibility expression when editing property pages, combine 4+8. The result is 12, which is the value you should use.



When set to a valid domain or sub-domain name, is used as the origin (document.domain) of web pages loaded into external property pages in the client applications. This value is intended to help achieve compliance with the same-origin policy enforced by web browsers.



If this value is 0 (default), PowerWeb will download documents via external executable AMDownload.exe.

If this value is 1, PowerWeb will download documents inside the browser process.



URL where the Meridian webhelp (HTML) documentation files are located. This value overrides the WebHelpBaseURL setting described in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Cyco\AutoManager Meridian\CurrentVersion for PowerWeb only.

For information about installing the webhelp documentation files, see Install the Webhelp Documentation.



Full path to a folder containing PowerWeb icons. To be used only in environments where there is no virtual directory for image files (Img by default).



Name of the folder containing PowerWeb user interface image files (Img by default).



The maximum number of items that appear when expanding a folder or navigation level. If you click a folder that contains a number of items larger than this pre-configured limit, instead of listing the items, a pane appears with the following options: Search by name and Quick Search.

For navigation views, this feature doesn't consider the selected level. This as a limitation that will be addressed in a future release.

If you select a document and the number of incoming or outgoing references is larger than the number for the pre-configured limit, only that number of references appear. In this case, a message appears saying that there are too many references.

The reason for these limitations is that showing a large number of items might affect performance. The default value is 3000.

ItemsPerCall is another option to configure the number of items that appear when expanding a folder.



The maximum file size allowed to be uploaded in PowerWeb in megabytes. If a user attempts to upload a document (individually or as part of a batch) exceeding this size, they will receive a warning. The warning instructs the user to upload the document using the Local Workspace Client.

The default value is 500.



The maximum number of folder levels to process in one batch in PowerWeb before terminating to prevent infinite operations caused by unexpected errors.



Number of sessions that can run simultaneously. Default = 10.

If PowerWeb performance is slow on a system with many users, it might be because all threads are in use, and user requests must wait until a thread becomes available. If more than 80 users are accessing PowerWeb on a single IIS server and there are slow response times during peak usage, we recommend increasing the NumberOfThreads value to one-fifth of the number of users accessing PowerWeb at busy times.

For example, if there are 100 users accessing PowerWeb during busy times, we recommend setting the NumberOfThreads value to 20 (one-fifth of 100 users).



Name of the folder containing PowerWeb user preference settings (Profiles by default). Users must have read/write permissions to this folder.

QuickFindMultiWordAll DWORD

If this value is 0 (default), Quick Find searches in PowerWeb will return matches with any of the entered keywords.

If this value is 1, Quick Find searches will return matches with all of the keywords, the same as PowerUser Quick Find searches.

QuickFindScope DWORD

Scope of properties searched by the Quick Search box in the toolbar in PowerWeb:

0: Search all text properties (default)

1: Search all text properties and full-text index

2: Search the Name property only

RefrainFromErrors DWORD

If this value is set to 1, some errors will not display during form validation.

The default value is 0.

RemoveLinkAnnotations DWORD

If this value is 1, removes any link annotations that were generated in an intermediate (XOD) file that is used by the PDFTron viewer.

If this value is 0 (default), the link annotations are left intact and may be followed by users.

This value is provided to improve viewing performance of files that contain thousands of hyperlinks that are not expected to be used.

This value only has effect when the intermediate files are generated. It has no effect when viewing documents for which XOD files have already been generated that contain link annotations.

ReportDocumentsLimit DWORD

Sets the maximum number of documents allowed in a report. Setting this limit improves system performance by preventing users from accidentally generating excessively large reports.

0: Default value, no limitations



Set this value to 1 if the site cache server and/or the Meridian application server are installed on a separate computer from the Meridian web server and the IIS application pool under which they run is the same account as the EDM Server service.

You must also set this value to 1 when using SAML authentication.

If the services run under different accounts and are installed on the same computer, set this value to 0.

For more information about authentication issues in distributed service environments, see Security Delegation. The default for this value is set by the installation package depending on the components selected.



Number of minutes of inactivity after which a user session is considered inactive and terminated.

Default: 15.

The user session is an object that the IIS creates when a user becomes active in PowerWeb. Terminating it when the user becomes inactive conserves resources on the IIS server. If the user still has PowerWeb open and resumes activity, a new session object will automatically be created. The user does not need to re-authenticate when this occurs.



Number of milliseconds of inactivity after which a user session is considered inactive, terminated, and a new session created.

Default = no timeout. The session will not be terminated.

If no timeout is specified, the PowerWeb client might stall for the current user or for all users in certain circumstances. To avoid this, we recommend setting the timeout to 60,000 milliseconds (one minute).



If this value is 1 (default), documents are downloaded from the site cache (if configured) to the user's local workspace for viewing.

If this value is 0, documents are downloaded directly from the Meridian server and bypass the site cache.



Name of the folder containing PowerWeb CSS and JavaScript files (Src by default).

SynchronizeDirect String

Semicolon-delimited list of file extensions for which to enable synchronization in PowerWeb. The extensions are as follows: dst; dgn; dwg; doc; docx; docm; xls; xlsx; xlsm; ppt; pptx; pptm; vsdx; vsdm.

We recommend you use this setting if you use these file formats so that the results of synchronization will be available immediately.

See our Document Synchronization Methods Overview to learn about the three methods you can use to synchronize document contents, title blocks, and references with PowerWeb.

SyncRefs DWORD

If this value is 1 (default), external references are synchronized according to the options set for the document type.

If this value is 0, external references are not synchronized.



Name of the folder containing PowerWeb user temporary files (AMTemp by default). Users must have read/write permissions to this folder.



Size of thumbnail image width in pixels (hexadecimal).



Size of thumbnail image height in pixels (hexadecimal).



Amount of time in milliseconds to wait for thumbnail generation.



If this value is 1, use Meridian Enterprise Server publishing jobs to synchronize document properties and references as described in Configure the Synchronize Content Options.

If this value is 0, use legacy synchronization.



Name of the PowerWeb virtual directory (URL) for the PowerWeb application.



Set this value to 1 to use frames in PowerWeb. This shows document property pages in a second pane beside the active navigation view instead of replacing the navigation view in the browser window. The browser is split into two panes and the divider can be dragged horizontally to resize the panes. The viewer then appears as a property page tab. This value affects all PowerWeb users.


If this value is 1, renditions will be shown in PDFTron for all PowerWeb users. Before a rendition can be viewed in PDFTron for the first time, the rendition must be updated.

If set to 0, the viewer assigned to the PDF file type in the user's preference settings will be used.



When the value is 0 (default),thumbnails are generated by the Meridian web server.

ViewerWithoutMDS DWORD

If this value is 1 (default), metadata and other data files are not sent along with document files for viewing in the Meridian clients.

If this value is 0, the metadata is always sent.



Name of the PowerWeb ISAPI application DLL used by AMXIIS and AMXFilter. Do NOT change.



Name of the DLL used by IIS to support the WebDav protocol. Do NOT change.



URL used by AMXIIS and AMXFilter in the form


XMLValidation DWORD

If this value is 1, documents are scanned for invalid XML symbols.

If set to 0 (default), documents are not scanned.