Optimize the Meridian Server Software

Many aspects of Meridian performance can be altered by changing registry settings on the Meridian application server. Consider the following settings carefully and only make changes that you are confident may improve performance under your circumstances, or changes recommended by your Accruent Partner or a Accruent technical support representative. Document the changes you make in case they do not improve performance so that you can restore the original settings. If possible, test changes on a non-production server before implementing them in a production environment.

Not all of the following registry keys are created when Meridian is installed on the server. If a key does not exist, its default value is used. To modify the value, create the registry key and set the appropriate value. Unless otherwise specified, all registry keys mentioned in this document are of the type DWORD and the values for these keys are in decimal form.


After editing the registry, stop and restart the AutoManager EDM Server service for the setting to take effect.


Improper use or improper modification of the registry on a computer might lead to unwanted results and might even lead to a total stop of the server. If you do not feel comfortable with making changes to the registry, please contact someone who is or contact Accruent Support.