Configure the EDM Server Service

You can optimize some aspects of the EDM Server service, which manages the data for all vaults on the same server. Temporarily changing these settings is useful when performing special operations such as importing large quantities of documents or running the Vault Consistency Wizard.

To configure the EDM Server service:

  1. In the Meridian Enterprise Administrator, select EDM Server in the left pane.

  2. On the Action menu, select Properties.

    The EDM Server Properties dialog box appears.

  3. Click the Engine tab.

    The service's options that can be configured in the Administrator tool appear. Other options can be configured by registry settings and are described elsewhere in this guide.

  4. Click options or type values using the descriptions in the following table.

  5. Restart the EDM Server service to make your changes take effect.

EDM Server service options
Option Description


Select Optimize for best multi-user performance (default) for normal operation. Select Optimize for best single-user performance when performing server-intensive administration tasks after production hours when no users are connected to the server.

Security role assignments

Select an option from which to assign security roles in all vaults managed by this server. The options are listed in order of their impact on performance with those that have more negative effect on performance appearing at the top of the list.

We recommend Meridian groups in environments where domain security authentication negatively effects performance such as large domains, multiple domains, or remote Primary Domain Controllers.


If the EDM Server Service is configured to use Meridian groups, the BC service account should either have a role with all privileges or use a backdoor account. This is required to allow full functionality with Tags.


This option appears only if the SQL Server database driver is installed. For information on configuring this option, see Configure the SQL Server Account Used By Meridian.