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Configure the BatchCallThreshold Setting

One user performing a large batch operation, such as submitting hundreds of documents or building a report based on thousands of documents, can seriously impact server responsiveness for other users. By default, such batch operations are pre-empted by the server after a configurable number of actions so that actions by other users may also be processed, which greatly improves multi-user responsiveness. The BatchCallThreshold setting determines the maximum number of actions allowed at one time. The default value is 500.

If server performance degrades when users perform large batch operations and such operations are expected to continue, we recommend reducing this value in steps of 100 and monitoring the performance experienced by both the users performing the batch operations and other users until an acceptable compromise is reached. This setting should not be reduced below 200.

The DWORD registry key to adjust the BatchCallThreshold setting is located at:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cyco\AutoManager Meridian\CurrentVersion\Hypertrieve\BatchCallThreshold