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Subscription Licenses

Compared to concurrent and named licenses, subscription licenses are simpler to understand, more flexible to use, level in cost, and easier to administer.

Subscription licenses have the benefits of both concurrent and named licenses combined in two license Stock Keeping Units (SKUs), the Meridian Enterprise Subscription license and the Meridian User Pass license.

The Meridian Enterprise Subscription licenses are assigned to users upon login to the Meridian system. The Enterprise Subscription license grants access to all Meridian applications and server modules. User Passes are assigned to active named users if SAML authentication or Meridian Portal is used.

For on-premise deployments of Meridian, the Meridian Enterprise Subscription license is the only relevant license. There are two options for deploying your licenses, which can be selected during setup:

  1. A Meridian License Tenant

    Enterprise Subscription licenses and User Pass licenses are registered by the License Tenant in the Cloud. The Meridian License Tenant does not require any registration of license keys on the Meridian On-Premises License Server.

  2. An On-Premises License Server

    Enterprise Subscription and User Pass licenses are registered on the Meridian Enterprise Server. The license keys are provided by licensing@accruent.com.

Meridian Enterprise Subscription Licenses can be combined with Meridian Cloud Project Licenses. In this scenario, the client always connects to the Meridian Cloud License Tenant.

For specific benefits, requirements, limitations, and prices of subscription licenses, contact a Accruent Partner or Accruent Account Executive.

ClosedComparison Between Subscription Licensing Options

The following table compares the two subscription licensing options described above.

Comparison between subscription licensing options
Requirement Cloud License Tenant On-Premises License Server


Azure AD and OAuth 2 compatible authentication.

Windows AD.

Usage limits Permissive usage is applied. Limited overage is possible, as specified in the license agreement. The maximum number of subscriptions and user passes is strictly enforced.
License keys No need to enter registry keys. Entitlements are managed by Accruent in the cloud. License keys need to be requested from Accruent and entered into the on-premises system.
Internet connection An internet connection from the machine hosting the Enterprise Server is required. If the connection is not available, users currently logged into a Meridian client can continue to work for 24 hours; however, users cannot log in to a Meridian client. A local internet connection is required for the Meridian clients.
Multi-site deployment Licenses can be shared between sites. Licenses must be allocated to specific sites, unless a DCOM connection between sites is available.

ClosedLicense Usage Example

Consider an example in which your tenancy has 35 Subscription Licenses (SUB) and 50 User Passes (PAS).

Maximum Number of Licenses

This model is similar to Named Licenses if the number of PAS users is 50. In this case, up to 50 users can hold any license for 30 days, but only up to 35 SUB users can work simultaneously.

Users will not be able to access Meridian if one of the licenses gets to its maximum number.

License Release

  • If one of the active users has been logged out for more than one hour (SUB timeout), one SUB license is released, and the user can be replaced by another of the 50 PAS users.

  • If one of the active users has been logged out for more than 30 days (PAS timeout), one PAS license is released. This user can be replaced by a different new user, who does not have any license yet.

    The group of active users (PAS=50) will be updated with the new user who acquired SUB/PAS Named Licenses, replacing the previous one.