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Prepare For Installation

Before you start installing any components, complete the following tasks:

  1. Review the Supported Software for this version of Meridian to determine if the configuration that you are about to create is fully supported.

    It is available from your Accruent Partner or the Accruent Technical Library.

  2. If you are installing the server components, create a verified back up of all existing vaults as described in Prepare For Backups.

  3. Network connections between all involved computers must be working and active.

  4. DCOM communications must be possible between all involved computers.

    For information on enabling DCOM, see Enable DCOM.

  5. If you are installing PowerWeb, know the computer name of the server on which IIS and Meridian PowerWeb is installed.

    During the client installation process, you will be prompted to type the Meridian web server location in this form:


  6. If you are installing only Meridian client software, know the name of the Meridian application server, as you will be prompted for it during installation.

  7. If you are installing PowerWeb on a separate IIS server, you must have already installed the AutoManager EDM Server service on another computer and you must know its name.

    During PowerWeb installation, you will be prompted for this name.

  8. Any web server that will be used for PowerWeb must be running before PowerWeb installation.

    If you do not want to enable PowerWeb during the initial setup of Meridian, you can install it later.

  9. You must have Administrator rights on the computer before you begin installation.

  10. All client computers should be time-synchronized with the Meridian application server.

  11. Always disable any real-time virus scanning software before attempting to install Meridian.

    Some virus scanners have been found to interrupt the creation of Meridian registry items. You can re-enable them after installing Meridian, although we do not recommend it. For more information on the effects of antivirus software on Meridian, see Optimize Antivirus Applications.

  12. The accounts under which Meridian services will run may need additional permissions as described in Active Directory Security Problems.