Run the Vault Archive Wizard
The Vault Archive Wizard should be run on the Meridian application server for the best performance.
If a scheduled task will be created for archiving, it will be helpful to know when other tasks are scheduled on the same computer so that this task can be scheduled to not interfere with those processes and vice versa.
We recommend that this task be scheduled to occur after the day's Prepare for Backup, recovery log, and regular system backups occur. Archiving can require considerable system resources depending on the options chosen and should be scheduled to not occur during production hours.
To run the Vault Archive Wizard:
Open the Administrator tool and select EDM Server in the left pane.
The list of active vaults appears in the right pane.
Select the vault containing the documents that you want to archive in the right pane.
On the Action menu, point to All Tasks and select Vault Archive Wizard.
The Vault Archive Wizard appears.
Click Next.
The What to Archive page appears.
For Select a vault to archive, select the vault name containing the documents that you want to archive from the list or click Browse and select a vault.
For Select the folder within the vault to archive, click Browse and select the folder containing the documents that you want to archive.
All subfolders of the chosen folder will also be archived.
Click Next.
The Archive Location page appears.
For Create the archive in folder, click Browse and select a destination folder for the archive files.
The document files and subfolders will be exported to this folder as described in Vault Archive Wizard Results.
For Format of the archive database, select a format for the archive database from the list.
The properties of archived documents will be output in this format to the archive location. The file will be named the same as the vault, for example, <VaultName>.xls if the Excel format is selected.
If the Excel format is desired, Microsoft Excel 64-bit must be installed on the server.
The names of the properties to be archived can be selected in the Configurator tool as described in Configure Column Layouts.
Click Next.
The Archiving Options page appears.
Select an option to specify which revisions to archive using the descriptions in the following table.
If the chosen folder has been archived before, the date and time it was last archived will also be shown for reference.
Click Next.
A second Archiving Options page appears.
Specify what data, if any, you want to remove from the vault after the archive has completed.
Select an option using the descriptions in the following table.
New revisions currently in workflows are not archived by the Vault Archive Wizard.
Click Next.
A third Archiving Options page appears.
Specify what additional data to include in the archive using the descriptions in the following table.
Click Next.
The When to Archive page appears.
Choose between two options:
Select Now to create the archive files immediately upon finishing the wizard.
To schedule a job to run at a later time:
Select Later.
Type a user ID and password for the job to run as and click OK.
By default, the job will be repeated daily at the current time.
We recommend that you specify a user account with a password that never expires. If the user account is removed, or the password either expires or is changed, the scheduled task will fail and archive files will not be created.
Click Set Schedule to modify the job's schedule in the new dialog that appears.
Select options on the Schedule page to coordinate the job with other tasks running on the computer and the time when regular system backups occur.
Click OK.
A new job is created for the Windows Task Scheduler that may be modified with the normal Windows administration tools. For more information about Task Scheduler, refer to the Windows documentation.
Click Next.
The Completing the Archive Wizard page appears.
Click Finish.
The archive files are created immediately or at the scheduled time. If any documents could not be archived, a warning is shown that errors may be found in the archive log file described in Vault Archive Wizard Results.