Create a New Project Folder

Depending on your vault configuration, you may have one or more project types (templates) from which to choose.

Copying a project folder to another location in the vault (via drag and drop or the Clipboard) will create a normal folder containing only the documents that were originally created in the project folder, not any project copies. Project copies residing in the source project folder are not copied to the new folder because copying documents with active workflows would violate workflow integrity.

ClosedPowerWeb Procedures

Use these steps for PowerWeb.

To create a new project folder:

  1. Right-click the parent folder where you want the project folder to be located, point to New Project, and then click the name of a project template.

    Available project types are indicated by the project type icon An icon which looks like three colorful rectangles with lines drawn between them.. Consult your System Administrator for the names of project types that have been configured in your vault. Depending on the project template selected, wizard pages may appear for input of project information.

  2. Complete any wizard pages that appear and click Finish.

    The project folder is created within the selected parent folder.

ClosedPowerUser Procedures

Use these steps for PowerUser.

To create a new project folder:

  • Choose between two options:

    • To create a folder by right-clicking the parent folder:

      1. Right-click the parent folder where you want the project folder to be located, point to New, and then click the name of a project template.

        Available project definitions are indicated by the project definition icon An icon which looks like three colorful rectangles with lines drawn between them.. Consult your System Administrator for the names of project definitions that have been configured in your vault.

        Depending on the project template selected, wizard pages may appear for input of project information.

      2. Complete any wizard pages that appear and click Finish.

        The project folder is created within the selected parent folder.

    • To create a folder using the Vault menu:

      1. Select the parent folder where you want the project folder to be located.

      2. On the Vault menu, point to New, and then click the name of a project template.

        Depending on the project template selected, wizard pages may appear for input of project information.

      3. Complete any wizard pages that appear and click Finish.

        The project folder is created within the selected parent folder.