Configure Options

These options configure how files are downloaded and how Adobe PDF files are viewed. The download options determine where files are downloaded from Meridian Explorer to your computer and what to do afterward.

As of the 2022 release, you cannot edit these options if Web Client components are not installed on the workstation or if you are using Internet Explorer.

To configure options:

  1. In the upper-right corner of any page, click your user name.

    Your personal profile pages appear.

  2. In the page menu, click Options.

    Your options appear.

  3. Click the Change link for the Download Options setting.

    The Meridian Upload/Download Control dialog box appears.

  4. Click options or type values using the descriptions in the following table.

Download options
Option Description

Download location

Click the browse button An image of a yellow folder being opened. and select a location on your computer where you want files to download unless Download to Local Workspace is enabled.

Download to Local Workspace

Downloads documents to your Meridian Enterprise Local Workspace folder.

Prompt before download

Displays the Accruent Upload/Download Control dialog every time documents are downloaded so that you can select different options each time.

Open folder in Windows Explorer

After the documents are downloaded, opens the download location in Windows Explorer so that you can easily open files for editing.

Open it in application

If only one document has been downloaded, opens the document for editing. The file will be opened in the application that is registered with Windows on your computer for the downloaded file type.

Add it to Windows' recent documents list

Adds the item to the Recent Items list in the Windows Start menu.