Draft Print Documents

Draft printing creates hardcopies of the selected documents on a local printer using the Meridian Explorer viewer. The hardcopies should be considered as draft prints because the output quality is not intended to be equal to that of the native application. The Draft Print command is enabled per view by a System Administrator. If the command is not available in a particular view, select a different view or consult a System Administrator. Any redlines or Meridian Enterprise watermarks will also be printed.

  • The default paper size is set in the RenditionPageSize property of the document. The default orientation is set in the RenditionPageOrientation property of the document.

  • If a document has redlines or watermarks, these will also be printed.

  • A document row is grayed out if a document has neither a source file or a rendition available because:

    • The rendition or source file does not exist.

    • The view is configured to show renditions only.

    • You do not have the privileges necessary to view the rendition or source document.

  • Batch printing is only supported if the Enable Accruent viewer control option of the repository has been enabled by a System Administrator and the Meridian Enterprise PowerWeb client components have been installed on your PC by the Meridian Enterprise setup program or if the PDFTron viewer (for PDF documents only) has been enabled by a System Administrator. Otherwise, only draft printing single documents is possible.

To draft print documents:

  1. On any view page, select the documents in the results list that you want to draft print.

  2. Right-click any selected document and on the shortcut menu that appears, click Draft Print.

    The Draft Print dialog box appears, showing a list of the selected documents.

  3. Set the print options for each document as described in the following table.

    You may select multiple documents to set the options to the same value.

  4. Click Draft Print.

    The documents are printed using the selected options and the Draft Print dialog box closes.

Draft printing options
Option Description

Print the native document

If enabled, the source document will be printed if one is available, otherwise it will be skipped. If disabled, the rendition will be printed if one is available, otherwise it will be skipped.

Show printer options before printing

If enabled, will open the viewer printing options dialog box so that you can set additional printing options. The dialog box is shown once for each printer that is selected in the same batch.

Print in background

If enabled, allows you to minimize the browser window without affecting printing. If disabled, printing will suspend when the browser window is minimized.