Register Licenses - Administration Console

The licenses used by Meridian Enterprise, Meridian Explorer, and Publisher are managed by the Meridian Enterprise License Server. The license server must be running on the computer to which the Meridian Enterprise Server server is connected as described in Manage Licenses. To use licenses beyond the 30 day trial period, authorization keys for the licenses must be received from Accruent and registered in the license server.

Licenses and authorization keys can be registered either in the Meridian Enterprise Administrator as described in Register Licenses or in the Meridian Enterprise Server Administration Console as described in the following task. Both methods accomplish the same thing.

  • If the connection to the Meridian Enterprise License Server has not yet been configured, register the license server name as described in Manage Licenses.

  • Copy or record the license codes from the Accruent Customer Portal or from your Accruent Partner to the Windows clipboard.

ClosedRegister Licenses

To register licenses:

  1. In Meridian Enterprise Server Administration Console, in the System Management group, click Settings.

    The Application Settings page appears.

  2. In the menu, click Registration Details.

    The Registration Details page appears.

  3. In the Registration Details group, if the organization fields have not be entered yet, enter your organization's information.

  4. In the License Server group, click Enter License Codes.

    The Enter license codes dialog box appears. If valid license codes are in the Windows clipboard, they are read automatically and appear in the license list.

    If you did not copy the license codes to the clipboard before starting this task, leave the dialog box open, copy the codes to the clipboard, and then click Read clipboard. The codes should then appear in the license list.

  5. Click Next.

    The Register new license codes dialog box appears and lists each license type and the quantity of each license as calculated from the license codes.

  6. Click Next.

    The Enter license codes dialog box appears and lists the site properties.

  7. If you have not previously registered a site ID, type it or your license agreement number in Site ID/Agreement.

  8. Click Next.

    A dialog box opens, asking you to confirm your choice.

  9. Click Yes.

    An information dialog box appears and shows the results of registering the licenses.

  10. Click OK.

    The dialog box closes and the Status property on the Registration Details page is updated. You may now view the registered licenses as described in Manage Licenses or send the registration form to receive authorization keys for the licenses as described in the following task.

ClosedReceive Authorization Keys

To receive authorization keys:

  1. In Meridian Enterprise Server Administration Console, in the System Management group, click Settings.

    The Application Settings page appears.

  2. In the menu, click Registration Details.

    The Registration Details page appears.

  3. In the Registration Detailsgroup, for the Registration Form item, click Edit.

    The Registration dialog box appears.

  4. Click options or type values using the descriptions in the following table.

    License registration properties
    Property Description


    The name of your organization.


    The name of the country where your organization is located.


    If your organization is located in the United States, type the abbreviation of the state.


    The name of the city where your organization is located.

  5. To preview the registration information before you send it to Accruent, in the menu, click Registration Form.

    The registration information that you entered appears along with the software version, registered license codes, and information about where to send the registration form.

  6. To download the registration information so that you can send it to Accruent:

    Choose between two options:

    • On the Registration Form page, click Download.

    • On the Registration Details page, click Download.

      The file is downloaded by your browser and you are prompted for what to do with it. Save the file somewhere on your PC.

  7. Click Close.

  8. Send the file to the Accruent office nearest you as listed at the bottom of the downloaded file.

ClosedRegister Authorization Keys


Copy the complete text of the registration information that you received from Accruent or from your Accruent Partner to the Windows clipboard. Any existing licenses that have been registered will be replaced by the licenses on the Windows clipboard.

To register authorization keys:

  1. Repeat the task to register the licenses as described at the beginning of this topic. The authorization keys will be detected and registered.

  2.  If you did not previously register a site ID, it is required before the licenses can be registered.