View the Audit Log
All actions in Meridian Explorer and in Meridian Enterprise Server Administration Console are logged to a database. This data can be used to perform security audits and system troubleshooting. This Audit Log is filtered to your current vault.
Publishing job activity is not logged in the audit database. Refer to Publisher Queue described in View the Publisher Queue instead.
You must be a member of a group that has been granted the Audit Log Viewers administrative permission to perform this task.
View the Audit Log
To view the audit log:
In Meridian Enterprise Server Administration Console, in the System Management group, click Audit Log.
The Audit Log page appears. By default, no data is shown at first due to the large volume of data that the audit log can hold. You must select a filter for the type of activity that you want to view.
Choose one or more of the following options:
To filter on a particular action:
Select an action from the list and click the search icon
The audit log refreshes to show the activities that have occurred for the selected action.
To filter a particular value in a column:
Click the downward arrow
in the heading of the column that you want to filter and point to Filters.
Select Contains AND/OR Starts With to specify the types of search you want to perform.
Choose between two options:
If the column contains text, type part of the value that you want to find in the text box, and then press Enter on your keyboard.
The audit log refreshes to show the filtered data and the filter icon
appears in the heading to indicate that a filter is active.
If the column contains dates, select a criterion from the list that appears and if a calendar appears, select a date from the calendar to use with the criterion.
The audit log refreshes to show the filtered data and the filter icon
appears in the heading to indicate that a filter is active.
To sort the data on a particular column:
Click the heading of the column that you want to sort on. To reverse the sort order, click the heading again.
To change the order of columns:
Drag a column heading and drop it in the desired position.
To hide or show columns:
Click the downward arrow
in any heading, point to Columns, and then select the columns that you want to see or clear the columns that you want to hide.
To change the column names:
In the app bar, click Settings.
The Audit Log Columns dialog box appears.
Click the row that corresponds to the column that you want to change.
The row expands to show the configuration options.
To change the column name, type the new name in the Caption column.
To change the column visibility, select or clear the check box in the Visibility column, respectively.
Click Update.
Click Save.
The audit log refreshes to show your changes.
Export to Excel
To export the audit log as a Microsoft Excel workbook:
In Meridian Enterprise Server Administration Console, in the System Management group, click Audit Log.
The Audit Log page appears.
Click Export.
The export starts as a background task. The entire audit log database will be exported to an Excel workbook named AuditLogExplort.xlsx where you can filter, sort, organize, and format the data to meet your requirements. When the task is finished, the file is downloaded by your browser and you are prompted for what to do with it.
Save or open the file.