Deploy Standard Preferences

If necessary, you can deploy a standard set of preferences for all existing PowerWeb users. This might be useful for important options that the users can configure themselves, such as:

  • Use Oracle AutoVue Client/Server deployment to view documents — To enable document viewing

  • View renditions — To discourage viewing source documents that might not yet be released

  • Current time zone — To ensure correct time values

The default values for the preference options can be set in the following Meridian web server registry key:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cyco\AutoManager Meridian\CurrentVersion\WebLink\UserPreferences\Default


To override standard preferences in an individual PowerWeb user profile, see Edit PowerWeb User Profiles.

To deploy standard preference options:

  1. Identify a user's profile file that you want to use as a template for the other users, for example, your own profile file.

    Which user you choose is not important except that the preferences for that user will become the preferences of all other users to which you copy the template.

  2. Log in to PowerWeb with that account, configure your preferences, and log out.

  3. Open the template profile file in any text editor.

  4. Copy the settings to the Clipboard that you want to deploy to the other users.

  5. Modify each of the other profile (.prf) files:

    1. Open the profile file in any text editor.

    2. Paste the Clipboard settings over the existing settings.

    3. Ensure that none of the settings are duplicated within the same profile file.

    4. Save and close the file.

The changes will take effect in the users' next PowerWeb session. The users can still override the settings, but the standard settings will get them started. This technique only works for existing PowerWeb users who have an existing profile file; it will not affect new users. Their preference settings are determined by the web server registry key previously described.

Profile settings
Option Description


If set to 0, disables the default stylesheets for custom property pages.


If set to 1, enables an alternative drop-down control for lookup lists that provides type-ahead value matching.

The default is 0, disabled.


When set to 1 (default), enables drag-and-drop document import and an HTML-based Select Folder dialog box by the Import Documents command to import documents in other than the Folders navigation view.

When set to 0, disables drag-and-drop document import and documents are always imported into the root folder of the vault.

To set this option for all PowerWeb users, set the UseHTMLImport value in the Meridian web server registry key as described in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Cyco\AutoManager Meridian\CurrentVersion\WebLink\UserPreferences\Default.