Configure Event Notifications

Event notification messages are initiated by the Meridian application server and sent by a specified email server. These notifications are those that your organization should consider as mandatory for users to receive. The users cannot configure which messages they receive and they may not decline to receive them. As such, these messages should be the minimum that are necessary for your business processes.

Additional messages can be sent by user-configured subscriptions or reminders as described elsewhere or by programming custom notifications. You configure event notifications by specifying which groups of users (Subscribers, To-Do assignees, or workflow Managers) that should receive notifications when specific events occur in the vault. The users will receive notifications when these events occur for vault items that are related to the current document or project folder.


Configuring the notification definitions does not configure how subscriptions are stored or how the messages are actually sent. That must be done by creating the notifications table and configuring the table connection and SMTP mail server options.

Configuring the table connection enables all three types of email messages: event notifications, document subscriptions, and reminders. You can configure the email address used to send the notifications when you configure your SMTP mail server options. If you don't update the sender address, a default address will be used.