Customize the Feedback Page Functionality

Meridian Explorer provides special functionality to create a page specifically for feedback from an asset management system that is integrated with Meridian. This functionality is activated when the Enable feedback functionality option is enabled on a detail page in the Meridian Explorer configuration:

  • Adds the change management properties in the Custom property set to the page. Users can enter values that will be saved in the Meridian Enterprise vault:

    • Remarks (Custom.ChangeManagementRemarks)

    • Request type (Custom.ChangeManagementRequestType) will show a list of the values in the RequestType lookup list in the Meridian Enterprise vault. Users can enter new values that are added to the lookup list.


    If the properties are not available on the page, the text Change Management will appear instead and show a value of Not available.

  • The following properties are also updated but not shown on the page:

    • The date/time the preceding properties were changed (Custom.ChangeManagementDateEntered)

    • The name of the user who changed the properties (Custom.ChangeManagementEnteredBy)

  • The document filename, workflow status, and revision number are also shown in the results grid. Additional properties can also be configured.

  • (Optional) VBScript functions can be implemented that customize the behavior of the feedback page and add custom command buttons.

  • Enables redlining in the Meridian Explorer viewer and saves any redline changes to the Meridian Enterprise vault.

  • This option is typically used together with the Viewer options setting to show documents or their renditions and (optionally) their redlines within the asset management system.

  • If this page is used in web browsers other than Internet Explorer (for example, Firefox or Chrome), access denied errors can occur if the Meridian Enterprise Server service account is not the same as the Meridian Enterprise EDM Server service account.

For more information about activating the Enable feedback functionality option and configuring the viewer on the feedback page, see Create And Edit Repository Views.