Disable Offline Mode

By default, it is possible for users to switch between Online and Offline mode directly from the shortcut menu of the Meridian Application Integration icon in their system tray.

Many organizations do not want this option available to users, so it can be hidden via a server registry key. Create a new DWORD value named DisableOfflineSwitch in the following registry key on the client computer:

\AutoManager Meridian\CurrentVersion\Client

Set this new value to 1. After this registry key has been added, the next time the client computers are restarted, the Offline Mode option will be hidden. You can also stop Meridian Application Integration with the Close item on its menu, and restart it from the Windows Start menu.


Offline mode must be enabled for the Meridian CAD application links to work remotely with PowerWeb. For more information, see Prepare the Remote Access Client Computers.