Install Apryse BIM Server

The Apryse IFC Viewer provides visualization of 3D models contained in Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) files.

This viewer is a fully web-based component in which a user can view and navigate a 3D model and inspect metadata contained in the IFC file. The viewer is integrated in the PowerWeb and Explorer clients.

To function, IFC files need conversion to an intermediate (.vsfx) format, which requires a server component, the BIM Server. The BIM Server runs as a Window service. We recommend deploying the BIM Server on the machine hosting the Publisher. When the rendition of a document has the IFC format, updating the rendition triggers the BIM Server to convert the IFC file.

In addition to the BIM Server, a BIM Proxy IIS application is needed to provide secure access to the .vsfx files.

This article describes the installation procedure of these components.


The .vsfx files are stored in the folder C:\MM\BIM\server\sys\data\output on the machine hosting the BIM Server. In Meridian 2023, this location cannot be changed. The .vsfx files need to be preserved because they are required by the IFC viewer. Make sure the content of this folder is included in the procedure to back up the Meridian streams files.


Complete the following tasks before installation:

  1. Make sure the IFC rendering module is installed during Meridian installation.

  2. Download the BIM Server files from this link.

    The archive contains all files related to the BIM server. You can find the following files in the archive:



    3. BimProxySettings.dat

  3. Extract the file and move the extracted file to an appropriate directory, such as C:\program files\BC-Meridian\Program\BcBimServer.

  4. In the Command Prompt, execute the following command: set GIN_MODE=release.

  5. Copy the BimProxySettings.dat file to the following folder: C:\ProgramData\BlueCieloECM\BimProxy.

  6. Edit the BimProxySettings.dat file. Add the UploadFolder property to include the path of the folder to which the files will be uploaded.

    The upload folder must be in the same directory where the Apryse BIM server (wv-3d-bim.exe) is placed, in the following format: \sys\data\source\uploaded.

    For example: C:\program files\BC-Meridian\Program\BcBimServer\sys\data\source\uploaded.

  7. Add the BimServerUrl property to the Apryse BIM Server URL.

    A typical value would be http://localhost:8085.

  8. Add a registry key in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cyco\AutoManager Meridian\CurrentVersion\WebLink.

  9. Create a string property with the name BimServerURL. Provide the URL of the BcBimProxy web application you created in the IIS.

    A typical value would be http://localhost/BcBimProxy.

ClosedCreate application pool and BcBimProxy website

Follow these procedures on the Enterprise Server machine:

  1. Install the BCBimProxy website in IIS.

  2. To add an application pool, in IIS, right click Application Poolsand click Add Application Pool.

    Name it as appropriate. For example BimProxyPool.

  3. Make sure the login is set to the Windows username and password that are used to log into the system.

  4. Create a BcBimProxy folder under inetpub\wwwroot.

  5. Copy the content of the file to the BcBimProxy folder.

  6. To add a website (BcBimProxy), right click Sites, click Default Website, and click Add Application.

  7. Change the Application Pool to the BimProxy pool that you just created. Set the physical path to the BcBimProxy folder that you created in step 4.

  8. Make sure the Windows username and password are configured in Connect as..., under Basic Settings. Use Test Settings to make sure the provided credentials are valid.

  9. Make sure Windows Authentication is set to Enabled.

  10. Perform this step in the same directory where BIMService is present. To install the Windows service , in the Command Prompt in administrator mode, execute the commands below. Replace [pathto] with the actual path to the service in your system.

    sc create "Meridian BIM Service" binpath= "[pathto]\BIMService.exe” .

    sc description "Meridian BIM Service" "Provides data conversion for the 3D IFC Viewer”

  11. Open Windows Services (services.msc). Find and start the Meridian BIM Service.

  12. Access https://[machinename]/BCBIMProxy/ping.

    The URL should result in a pong output.

  13. In the Meridian Enterprise Server Administration Console, under Options, click Viewer.

  14. In Viewer Options, add the BcBimProxy URL in BIM Server URL.

  15. In IIS, click Request Filtering.

  16. Click Allow Verb and add an "OPTIONS" verb .

  17. Restart IIS.

  18. In Enterprise Server, create a rendering job and try rendering an IFC file from PowerWeb.

ClosedRun the BIM Server without a service

You can also run a BIM server without a service.

In the directory where the BIM Server executable and config.json are present, open the Command Prompt and execute the following command: wv-3d-bim.exe -c “config.json”.

ClosedAdditional information

  • A time out error might occur while converting an IFC file. This is a known issue. Normally, the conversion works in a second attempt.

  • If you get a 500 internal server error, make sure the service is configured and running properly.

  • To uninstall the service, execute the following command: sc delete "Meridian BIM Service".