MeridianTask Object

The Meridian Enterprise Task Server can be used to register documents for publication with the MeridianTask object properties that are described below.

MeridianTask Object Properties

The MeridianTask object provides the properties that are described below.


All unknown property assignments passed to the BCPublisher.MeridianTask object are considered as custom column names and values.

ClosedDocumentID Property

A value that uniquely identifies the document to publish. If Nothing (default) or an empty string, then the selected document is used.


DocumentID As String

ClosedFeedbackProperty Property

The name of the property where to store the result of the document registration. The default is Nothing.


FeedbackProperty As String

ClosedJobCode Property

A value that uniquely identifies the publishing job.


JobCode As String


If the job has multiple destination systems configured and the document should be published to only one of the systems, this string must specify the destination system display name. Use the syntax jobId>systemDisplayName (for example, MyJob>MySystem). If the document should be published to all of the destination systems, the system name should be omitted.

ClosedPreventDuplicate Property

A value indicating whether to check for duplicate items before to adding a new one. If any duplicates are found, the item will not be created. If Nothing (default), then the option set for the publishing job is used.


PreventDuplicate As Boolean

ClosedPublishOptions Property

The publishing options for the current system links. Each system link defines the options that it supports. For information about the publishing options supported by a specific system link, see the system link description in Publishing Modules. The options can be specified in the source system client application, if supported by the link, or they can be specified in VBScript event handlers. The default is Nothing.


PublishOptions As String

ClosedRenderOptions Property

The options for the rendering modules. The default is Nothing.


RenderOptions As String

ClosedRevisionID Property

A value that uniquely identifies the revision of the document. The default is Nothing.


RevisionID As String

ClosedUserName Property

The name of the user who initiated the task. If Nothing (default) or an empty string, the name of the Task Server service account is used.


UserName As String

2022 R2