Meridian Enterprise Command Identifiers

The command identifiers (strings) that may be used as described in DocGenericEvent_PrepareCommand event are listed below.


  • Add to Collection

  • Add to WorkList

  • AttachPart

  • Change Document Type

  • Change Folder Type

  • Change Manager

  • Change ToDo Person

  • Compare

  • Create Draft Version

  • Delete

  • DeletePart

  • DetachPart

  • DiscardFromProject

  • Draft Print

  • LockMasterDocument

  • MergedWithMaster

  • New FileName

  • NewRevision

  • Off-line prepare

  • Print Preview

  • Properties

  • ReassignManager

  • ReassignProjectManager

  • ReassignToDoPerson

  • ReleaseToMaster

  • Reroute

  • RerouteProject

  • Revoke document

  • Revoke Draft Version

  • Send Mail

  • Set Field

  • Set XRefs

  • Show Versions

  • Show XRefs

  • Submit Draft Version

  • SupersedByMaster

  • Sync file cache (Local Workspace)

  • Sync properties from database to file

  • Sync properties from file to database

  • Sync references from file to database

  • Unlock file cache (Local Workspace)

  • Unlock from briefcase

  • Unlock from GCF

  • UnlockFromProject

  • UnlockMasterDocument

  • Update thumbnails

  • Update Title Block

  • View

2022 R2