Configure Thumbnail Generation

Meridian Explorer shows thumbnails of documents on the General property page. The thumbnails are generated from the source file and stored separately in the repository. As new revisions of the documents are imported into the repository, the thumbnails should be regenerated to show the latest content.

  • If Meridian Enterprise Server is installed on a separate server from Meridian Enterprise, set the name of the Meridian Enterprise server in the ServerMachine value of the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Cyco\AutoManager View Control2 on the Meridian Enterprise Server computer.

  • For most files, thumbnails are generated using the default viewer that is set as described in Configure the Viewer Options. The viewer must be installed on the Meridian Enterprise Server computer.

    Thumbnails for Native PDF files are generated using AutoVue, which must also be installed on the Meridian Enterprise Server computer. Additionally, the DisableThumbnailUpdate registry key value should be set to 2.