File Filters

Many applications that are used to create vault documents also create temporary or backup files while a document is being edited. For example, AutoCAD creates backup and lock files. These files are typically created in the same folder as the document file unless the application is configured to save them elsewhere. Filters can be defined to prevent creating these files in the vault. If Meridian local workspace is enabled (the default) or a shared workspace folder is configured, the filters prevent the temporary files from being synchronized to the vault. If Meridian local workspace is disabled, the files are redirected to a location on the Meridian application server outside the vault instead. This is done transparently to the application so that file operations occur normally.


Even though application temporary files can be filtered out of the vault, better application performance can usually be obtained by configuring the application to store the files in a location on the user's local computer instead, if possible.

Meridian Enterprise defines default filters for the most popular CAD, Office, and Windows temporary file extensions. To exclude other temporary files from being created in a vault, you can define additional filters.

ClosedView Current File Filters

To view the current file filters:

  • In the Meridian Enterprise Administrator, expand AMFS Server in the left pane and select Filters.

    The existing file filters are listed in the right pane.

ClosedAdd New Filter

To add a new filter:

  1. From the Action menu, point to New and select Filter.

    The New Filter dialog box appears.

  2. Type options using the descriptions in the following table.

  3. When Result reports matches for all of the expected temporary file names that will use the filter, click the Create button.

    The filter is added to the list of existing filters. Filtered files are stored by default in the folder C:\BC-Meridian Vaults\<VaultName>\AMFSTEMP.

File filter options
Option Description

Type a file name mask for the files that you want filtered out of the vault. The mask should use wildcard characters for the variable portions of the file name. For example, type an asterisk (*) to represent any continuous string of variable characters. Type a question mark (?) for any single variable character. See the list of existing filters for examples.


Type a description to appear in the Description column of the list of existing filters.


Type an example of the file name that you want to exclude from the vault and click the Run button to test the mask expression. The result will appear in Result.

ClosedChange Default Location

To change the default location:

  1. In the Meridian Enterprise Administrator, select AMFS Server in the left pane.

  2. On the Action menu, select Properties.

    The AMFS Server Properties dialog box appears.

  3. Choose between two options:

    • Type a different folder path.

    • Browse and select a folder path.

  4. Click OK.

    The files that reside in this folder can be deleted on a periodic basis if they are not in use. It is safe to assume that any file more than 24 hours old is not in use.

2022 R2