BCPropStorage Object

The BCPropStorage object represents the property information that was read by the DocCADLink_AfterReadMTBProperties event or that will be written by the DocCADLink_BeforeWriteMTBProperties event.

ClosedBCPropStorage Object Properties

The BCPropStorage object provides the following properties, all of which are read-only.

ClosedLayoutsNames Property

Gets the names of the page layouts in the current document.


LayoutsNames As String


An array of names as strings.


Use this property to retrieve the layout names to present to the user for selecting the layouts to render with the MeridianQueue.RegisterDocument property. Pass the selected layout names in the publishOptions parameter using the _RENDERLAYOUTS_ option described in Publishing And Rendering Options.

This property can also be used to access the data in multiple title blocks defined in a single drawing. For an example of usage, see DocCADLink_AfterReadMTBProperties event.

This property is intended for AutoCAD and Revit drawings only. If the document does not contain multiple title blocks or sheet properties with the names configured in the application link (AutoCAD or Revit tabs, respectively) settings of the vault configuration, the returned array is empty.

ClosedBCPropStorage Object Methods

The BCPropStorage object methods affect the current BCPropStorage object. They are described below.

ClosedGetColumnDefs Method

Returns a collection of the specified data columns from the data table shown on the Title Blocks page by the CAD link after reading a title block from a drawing layout.


GetColumnDefs(CollectionType As Integer)
Name Description


One of the following numeric values:

1 — only the mandatory layout and block name columns

2 — only the columns mapped in the link configuration

3 — all columns

Return Value

A collection of column definition objects. Each object has the following properties:

  • Name — internal name of the column

  • DispName — display name of the column

  • PropType — one of the following property value types:

    • 0 — string

    • 1 — integer

    • 2 — date

    • 3 — real number

    • 4 — Boolean

  • Direction — one of the following property update directions as specified by the CAD link configuration:

    • 0 — any direction

    • 1 — from Meridian to the document

    • 2 — from the document to Meridian

  • Hidden — indicates whether the column is hidden in the table

  • Order — column display order in the table


Use this method to access the data in multiple title blocks defined in a single drawing. For an example of usage, see DocCADLink_AfterReadMTBProperties event.

ClosedProperty Method

Returns an object that represents data stored in the title block data table for the specified property.


Property(LayoutName As String, ColumnName As String)
Name Description


Name of layout that contains a linked title block with the specified column name.

ColumnName Internal name of the column in the data table shown on the Title Blocks page by the CAD link for the specified drawing layout.

Return Value

The returned object has the following properties:

  • Value — the read-write value of the specified property

  • ColumnDef — a column definition object for the column that contains the value as described in GetColumnDefs method


Use this method to access the data in multiple title blocks defined in a single drawing and to set attribute values (optional). For an example of usage, see DocCADLink_AfterReadMTBProperties event.