Workflow Definition Events

The events in this category occur when a workflow definition is active.

ClosedWorkflow Event Sequences

The events that occur for the workflow definition commands are shown in the following lists in the sequence that they occur.

ClosedExecute transition event sequence

  • DocGenericEvent_PrepareCommand — Occurs in PowerUser only.

  • DocCWFEvent_PreInitializeExecuteTransition — Occurs in PowerWeb only.

  • DocCWFEvent_InitializeExecuteTransition

  • DocCWFEvent_InitializeWizard

  • DocGenericEvent_OnProperties

  • DocCWFEvent_TerminateWizard

  • DocCWFEvent_PreBeforeExecuteTransition

  • DocCWFEvent_BeforeExecuteTransition

  • DocCWFEvent_BeforeNewRevision

  • DocCWFEvent_AfterNewRevision

  • DocCWFEvent_TerminateNewRevision

  • DocCWFEvent_AfterExecuteTransition

  • DocWorkflowEvent_AfterReplaceReleased

  • DocCWFEvent_TerminateExecuteTransition

ClosedReassign Managers event sequence

  • DocGenericEvent_PrepareCommand

  • DocWorkflowEvent_InitializeChangeWFManager — Occurs in PowerUser only.

  • DocWorkflowEvent_BeforeChangeWFManager

  • DocWorkflowEvent_AfterChangeWFManager

  • DocWorkflowEvent_TerminateChangeWFManager — Occurs in PowerUser only.

ClosedReroute event sequence

  • DocGenericEvent_PrepareCommand

  • DocCWFEvent_InitializeReroute

  • DocCWFEvent_BeforeReroute

  • DocCWFEvent_AfterReroute

  • DocCWFEvent_TerminateReroute

Closed*ExecuteTransition Events

Occurs when a workflow definition transition is executed.


DocCWFEvent_*ExecuteTransition(Batch, Transition, Person, Manager, Comment)
Name Description


An object that represents the batch of documents the user has selected.


A WorkflowTransition object that represents the transition to execute.


An object that represents the user who is executing the transition.


An object that represents the user who is the manager of the workflow.


A string containing the text entered by the user who is executing the transition.


This set of events is intended to support user input to a batch process using the Batch.Confirmation Method and its related methods and properties as follows:

  • The user initiates a workflow transition on a batch of documents

  • DocCWFEvent_PreInitializeExecuteTransition event is executed and any changes to the event parameters are ignored. Not supported by PowerUser.

    Any batch scope confirmations are shown at this time.

  • DocCWFEvent_InitializeExecuteTransition is executed and any changes to the event parameters are processed.

    Any batch scope confirmation results can be queried in script.

  • For each document in the batch:

    • DocCWFEvent_PreBeforeExecuteTransition is executed and any changes to the event parameters are ignored. Not supported by PowerUser.

      Any document scope confirmations are shown at this time. The document name is visible to the user.

    • DocCWFEvent_BeforeExecuteTransition is executed and any changes to the event parameters are processed.

      Any document scope confirmation results can be queried in script.

    • DocCWFEvent_AfterExecuteTransition is executed and any changes to the event parameters are ignored.
    • DocCWFEvent_TerminateExecuteTransition is executed and any changes to the event parameters are ignored.

Closed*NewRevision Events

Occurs when a new revision is created by a transition of the workflow.


DocCWFEvent_*NewRevision(Batch, Transition)
Name Description


An object that represents the batch of documents the user has selected.


A WorkflowTransition object that represents the transition that is creating the new revision.

Closed*Reroute Events

Occurs when a workflow is rerouted to a state other than a default destination state.


DocCWFEvent_*Reroute(Batch, State, Person, Comment)
Name Description


An object that represents the batch of documents the user has selected.


An object that represents the destination state.


An object that represents the user who is rerouting the documents.


A string containing the text entered by the user who is rerouting the documents.

Closed*Wizard Events

Occurs when property pages are shown by a transition of the workflow.


DocCWFEvent_*Wizard(Batch, Transition, Comment)
Name Description


An object that represents the batch of documents the user has selected.


A WorkflowTransition object that represents the transition that is showing the property pages.


A string that represents the default comment to add to the comment log.