Administer Meridian Enterprise Remotely

The Meridian Enterprise services can be administered remotely in two ways:

  • Remote access software

  • Meridian Enterprise Administrator program

Most IT departments use remote access software to administer servers from a central location. It can also be used to work with the Meridian Enterprise Administrator run on the Meridian Enterprise server. No special configuration is necessary.

The Meridian Enterprise Administrator tool can also be used to administer Meridian Enterprise from a client computer. This option is useful if responsibility for administering Meridian Enterprise should be specified to a user who should only have access to administer Meridian Enterprise and nothing else on the server.

To administer Meridian Enterprise from a client computer with Meridian Enterprise Administrator:

  1. Install the Meridian Enterprise Administrator program on the client computer from the Meridian Enterprise installer package.

  2. Open the Meridian Enterprise Administrator.

    Meridian Enterprise Administrator manages the current (Local) computer by default.

  3. From the Action menu, select Connect to Another Computer.

    The Select Computer dialog box appears.

  4. Select Another computer and either type the Meridian Enterprise server computer's name or click Browse and select the Meridian Enterprise server.

  5. Click Finish.

    The connected computer's name appears in the left pane instead of the text (Local) and the Meridian Enterprise Administrator now affects that computer instead of the local computer.


Not all Meridian Enterprise services can be administered remotely with Meridian Enterprise Administrator, in particular, Accruent License Server and PowerWeb. However, they require minimal ongoing administration once initially configured compared to the other services, which can be administered remotely.