Restrict Licenses

In some environments, users should only receive Meridian Enterprise licenses if a user is a member of a specific Active Directory group. Restricted licenses can be configured in the following Windows key on the computer where the Accruent License Server is installed.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Cyco\AutoManager Meridian\CurrentVersion\Server\Licensing

You specify pairs of user group names and corresponding Meridian Enterprise product codes. The Accruent License Server service will then only grant licenses to the members of the specified group for the specified product code. If a user attempts to use one of the specified products but is not a member of the matching group, the user will be denied a license. You may also restrict licenses in the Meridian Enterprise Administrator as described in the following task.

ClosedNotes about functionality

  • Restricting licenses overrides reserved licenses.

    You can restrict licenses without reserving them and you can reserve licenses without restricted them. But if you want to use both license reservations and license restrictions, the users for which you want to reserve licenses must also be members of groups to which licenses have been restricted. Users without reserved licenses only need to be members of groups to which licenses have been restricted.

  • Restricted licenses can also be configured in Meridian Enterprise Server if the Use Enterprise Server for user management option is enabled as described in Configure the Connection To Meridian Enterprise Server.

  • The available group names are retrieved from the Active Directory server that has been synchronized. This synchronization can be done in two ways:

  • Users must be members of a local or domain group.

ClosedAdministrator Procedures

To restrict licenses:

  1. In the Meridian Enterprise Administrator, select License Server in the left pane.

    Property page tabs appear in the right pane.

  2. Click the Users tab.

    The current quantity of each registered license type is shown in the Licenses list.

  3. Right-click the name of the licenses that you want to restrict and then click Restrictions.

    The License Restrictions dialog box appears and lists all of the registered licenses. By default, the Select user group list is empty until you specify at least one group to which to restrict licenses.

  4. Select an existing group from User group that has already been assigned product codes.

    If the group you want to select is not listed:

    1. Click Add.

      The Select User Group dialog box appears.

    2. Type the name of a group in User group and press Enter.

      The group name appears in the User group list.

  5. Select the license codes that you want to allow for the specified group.

  6. Repeat steps 3-4 for each group to which you want to restrict licenses.

  7. Click OK.

ClosedEnterprise Server Administration Console Procedures

To restrict licenses:

  1. In the System Management group, click Settings.

    The Application Settings page appears.

  2. In the menu, click Licenses.

    The Licenses page appears.

  3. Click Restrictions.

    The License Restrictions dialog box appears and lists all of the registered licenses. By default, the Select user group list is empty until you specify at least one group to which to restrict licenses.

  4. Select an existing group from Select user group that has already been assigned product codes.

    If the group you want to select is not listed:

    1. Click Add group.

      The Select User Group dialog box appears.

    2. Type a search criterion in Search filter and press Enter.

      The matching groups appear in the User group list.

    3. Select a group.

    4. Click OK.

      The group appears in the Select user group list where you can select it to assign product codes.

  5. Select the license codes that you want to allow for the specified group.

  6. Repeat steps 3-4 for each group to which you want to restrict licenses.

  7. Click OK.