Document Synchronization Methods Overview

There are three different methods you can use to synchronize document contents, title blocks, and references with PowerWeb. You can use one or more of these methods in the same environment. The methods are listed below, from most desirable to least desirable.

ClosedSynchronize via IIS

Some file types can be synchronized directly through PowerWeb via IIS. Learn more about how PowerWeb uses IIS.

  • Benefits – Synchronization is done immediately after a workflow transition is completed. Specialty software is not needed to update documents supported by this method.

  • Drawbacks – Not all file extensions are supported.


To configure synchronization via IIS:

  1. Navigate to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Cyco\AutoManager Meridian\CurrentVersion\WebLink registry key in the Windows Registry Editor.

  2. Modify the SynchronizeDirect setting so that it contains the file extensions you want to synchronize via IIS.

    The file extensions must be entered as a semicolon-delimited list. The supported extensions are as follows: dst; dgn; dwg; doc; docx; docm; xls; xlsx; xlsm; ppt; pptx; pptm; vsdx; vsdm. If you remove one of the extensions from this list, it will no longer synchronize immediately via PowerWeb after a workflow transition is completed.

    A use case for when a System Administrator may want to remove a file extension from this setting is if they wanted to run a Macro in Microsoft Office. In that scenario, they would remove the appropriate file extension from the SynchronizeDirect setting and create a publishing job for that file type.

ClosedEnd-User Procedures

The following end-user procedures are impacted by this configuration:

ClosedSynchronize via Publisher

Publisher provides links to the most common engineering document management systems. Publisher also includes rendering modules for the most popular engineering content authoring applications. See a list of file extensions and the modules that support them.

  • Benefits – Some file extensions require specialty software for editing. This method allows users to edit documents without needing the software installed on their workstation.

  • Drawbacks – Synchronization is NOT immediate, but instead is asynchronous. While Publisher is processing the synchronization, the affected document will be locked.



For cluster node scanning to work when using SQL Server, the Publisher nodes need to have the SQL driver installed, and they need to be able to connect to the SQL Server configuration database. This is a requirement for the Create And Edit a Rendering Profile procedures in step 2.

To configure synchronization via Publisher:

  1. Configure a Vault For Publisher.

    The Publisher Jobs settings cannot be configured until after you have created publishing jobs in step 3 below.

  2. Create a rendering profile for the rendering module you want to use for your publishing job.

    See a list of file extensions and the modules that support them.

  3. Create publishing jobs for your rendering profiles.

    At least one rendering profile must be specified for each publishing job that will generate renditions.

  4. Configure any applicable options for your publishing jobs.

  5. Configure the synchronize content options for your publishing jobs.

  6. If you want to link a publishing job to a specific command in PowerWeb, configure the Publisher Jobs settings in the Administrator.

ClosedEnd-User Procedures

The following end-user procedures are impacted by this configuration:

ClosedSynchronize via Application Integration

Meridian includes application links for the most popular applications used for engineering. The links provide specific Meridian functionality within each application for working with that application's data. This functionality is in addition to the functionality provided by Meridian Application Integration described in the Application Links section.

Application Integrations are application-independent and configurable by each user so that they can conveniently work with vault documents. Because the links work with application data, the application links can be configured by a System Administrator so that the data is managed in the same way for all Meridian users in the organization.

To learn more about the supported application integrations, see the Application Integration section.

  • Benefits – Some file extensions require specialty software for editing. This method supports specialty software.

  • Drawbacks – Users must have specialty software installed on their workstation. Updates are only made when the user triggers the update from within the application.


To configure an application integration, see the relevant section in Application Integration.

ClosedEnd-User Procedures