
The PublishingCapability.dat file is a configuration file which is located the C:\ProgramData\BlueCieloECM\EnterpriseServices folder. This file is used to store non-default settings for the Publisher. Some of the settings that can be configured with this file do not have a direct equivalent in the user interface. You can modify this file with any standard text editor software.


We recommend consulting with your Accruent representative before making changes to this configuration file. Some of the settings in this file can result in accidental data loss if used improperly.


To modify the PublishingCapability.dat file:

  1. Navigate to C:\ProgramData\BlueCieloECM\EnterpriseServices\PublishingCapability.dat.

  2. Open PublishingCapability.dat in a text editing software.

  3. Choose between two options:

    • If the setting you want to modify already exists in the file, change it.

    • If the setting you want to modify does not exist in the file:

      1. Type a comma after the last setting in the file, but before the closing bracket.

      2. Enter the setting name using the syntax below.

  4. Save your changes.

    An example of a properly formatted file appears below.

PublishingCapability.dat settings

Impacted Components

Permitted Values

Recommended Value


AutoCAD rendering module

true or false


If set to true, enables extended logging for the AutoCAD rendering module.


true or false


If set to true, enables the Publish all revisions for new documents setting for a publishing job. Use this setting with caution.

If this setting is set to true and the above setting is enabled, Publisher publishes all revisions of a document instead of just the most recent released revision.



true or false


If set to true, enables the Delete source document if publishing succeeded setting for a publishing job. Use this setting with caution.

If this setting is set to true and the above setting is enabled, Publisher deletes source documents after they have been successfully published to the destination system. This can be useful when the Publisher is used to archive documents into a central system or an archive vault.

If disabled, the source documents are not deleted.


SharePoint System Link

true or false


If set to true, enables the _DELETE_ or _DELETE_<FileName> option for VBScript. Use this setting with caution.

These settings delete documents from SharePoint libraries when the Meridian Enterprise source document is deleted. If the destination filename is not specified, the name of the document registered for publishing is used.


Teigha DGN Rendering Module

Teigha DWG Rendering Module

true or false


If set to true and you use the Teigha rendering engine, this setting allows Meridian to recover from attempting to render a corrupt or invalid document. If a third-party rendering component fails, we remove the document from the rendering queue. A message appears in the process log that informs the user that the process has failed, and then Meridian proceeds to the next document in the queue.


Inventor rendering module



The maximum number of documents are rendered in a single Inventor session. The default value of this setting is 100.

When Meridian is rendering many Inventor documents, some may fail to render because they do not open correctly in Inventor. In such cases, Inventor will generate an Unspecified error message.

You can reduce the likelihood of this happening by changing this setting to a lower number. Setting the value to 0 removes the limitation completely.

After this number of documents have been rendered, Inventor will be closed and restarted to reclaim system resources.


Portal integration

Import / Export Packages

true or false


If set to true, import and export package temporary files will be saved in the following folders:

  • C:\ProgramData\BlueCieloECM\EnterpriseServices\Meridian360\Import

  • C:\ProgramData\BlueCieloECM\EnterpriseServices\Meridian360\Export\<tenant>

In these folders you will find the contents of the packages as well as the metadata spreadsheets which are used during imports (or included with an export).





The number of times that Publisher will retry a rendition before the rendition fails. Increasing this value helps you avoid issues with a locked file preventing a rendition from being generated.

Learn more about configuring a vault for Publisher.


SharePoint System Link

true or false


If set to true, the Modified and Modified By fields in Sharepoint are populated with the values from Meridian.

If set to false, these fields are populated with the date and time of publishing and the Publisher account.

Learn more about Sharepoint servers.





The number of seconds that Publisher will wait before a retry is attempted. Increasing this value helps you avoid issues with a locked file preventing a rendition from being generated.

Learn more about configuring a vault for Publisher.