Copy a Project Copy To Another Project Folder

Copying a project copy from one project to another creates a new project copy in the destination project from the content of the source project copy. However, the reference created to the new project copy may not be what you would expect. Unlike Create Project Copy, which creates a reference between the master document (source) and the project copy, Transfer to Project creates a reference between the master document (not the source) and the project copy even though the source of the new project copy is another project copy in this case. The reason for this is so that the new project copy can ultimately be released as a new revision of the master document, not a new revision of the project copy from which it was made. This distinction is important to enable as-built projects. Transfer to Project can be used to create project copies for other purposes so long as the reference to the master document is taken into consideration and the intention is not to release the project copy to become a new revision of its source project copy.

Transfer to Project can be useful when the organization's process for resolving concurrent engineering projects is to use an as-built project. For example, assume multiple project copies have been made from a master document into different project folders and each project copy has undergone different changes. Assume a new project folder is created in which all of the changes should be merged together into a new document that should be released as the new master document revision. Rather than start with a fresh copy of the master document, which contains none of the changes made in the project copies, Transfer to Project can be used to create a copy in the new as-built project from one of the project copies instead, presumably, the one with the most changes. Changes in the other project copies can then be merged manually into it until the as-built project copy contains all of the changes and can then be released as the new master document revision.

This task is only available if the Advanced Project Workflow Module has been enabled for the vault.

ClosedPowerWeb Procedures

Use these steps for PowerWeb.


Copying documents that have no master document and folders is not supported.

To copy a project copy from one project to another:

  1. Select the project copy that you want to be the source of the copy.

  2. In the Document ribbon, in the Assign group, and click Transfer to Project.

    The Select Project dialog box appears.

  3. Select an existing project folder to copy the document to and click Next.

    Depending on the document type of the document being added to the project, wizard pages may appear for input of document information.

  4. Complete any wizard pages that appear and click Finish.

    The Transfer to Project dialog box shows the progress and results of the command as the project copy is copied to the destination project and placed under change for you.

ClosedPowerUser Procedures

Use these steps for PowerUser.

To copy a project copy from one project to another:

  1. Select the project copy that you want to be the source of the copy.

  2. From the Document menu, select Master/Project Copy, and click Transfer to Project.

    The Select folder dialog box appears.

  3. Select an existing project folder to copy the document to and click OK.

    Click New Folder to create a new normal folder, if necessary.

    Depending on the document type of the document being added to the project, wizard pages may appear for input of document information.

  4. Complete any wizard pages that appear and click Finish.

    The project copy is copied to the destination project and placed under change for you.

    This completes copying a project copy to a project. You can now edit the document or manage it as described in any of the following topics.

2021 R3