Upgrade External Tables To SQL Server Compact Edition

The external databases (user accounts, Local Workspace, and lookup tables, if applicable) that are created and maintained by 64-bit components store the data in SQL Server Compact Edition instead of in Microsoft Access databases as in the previous versions. This is necessary because no 64-bit OLEDB driver for Microsoft Access is provided with Windows. When upgrading Meridian Enterprise from 32-bit to 64-bit components, these databases must be converted manually if no 64-bit OLEDB driver is installed. The upgrade will not overwrite the existing registry settings for Microsoft Access usage, they must be changed manually. The settings that must be changed are listed in Meridian Application Server Requirements.

We recommend that new Meridian Enterprise 64-bit installations use SQL Server Compact Edition and convert any existing Access databases using the following instructions. Existing installations may either install the Office System Driver and continue to maintain the databases in Microsoft Access format or convert existing Access databases to SQL Server Compact Edition using the following instructions.

  • Microsoft SQL Server Compact Edition 4.0 must be installed. It may be installed side by side with an earlier version.

  • The 64-bit Meridian Enterprise Configurator application cannot create tables in Microsoft Access format or add entries to the tables. Install and use the 32-bit Meridian Enterprise Configurator instead if external tables in Microsoft Access format are required.

ClosedConvert Microsoft Access Databases

To convert the Microsoft Access databases to SQL Server Compact Edition:

  • Use the program BlueCieloECM.MdbToSdfConvertor.exe located in the Meridian Enterprise Program folder.

ClosedConvert Lookup Tables Database

To convert a lookup tables database:

  1. Run the following in the \BC-Meridian Extensions\<VaultName> folder:

    <PathToProgramFolder>\BlueCieloECM.MdbToSdfConvertor.exe <VaultName>$LL.mdb -TTAB [-S[ql]]

  2. Set the TablesDB registry value on the server as described in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Cyco\AutoManager Meridian\CurrentVersion\Server .

  3. Set the registry value UIBehNet.Register to AMEDMRegister:IsNOTRegistered (BlueCieloECM.UIBehNet.Register to UIBeh.Register:IsNOTRegistered) for release 2018 and earlier) on the server in the following key:
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cyco\AutoManager Meridian\CurrentVersion\Installed DataStores\<DataStore>\RegisterBehaviors

  4. Restart the AutoManager EDM Server service.

  5. Verify that the correct data is available in Meridian Enterprise and then remove the Access database files.

    The existence of lookup list databases can cause errors if queries exist in the vault script.

ClosedConvert User Accounts Database

To convert a user accounts database:

  1. Run the following in the \BC-Meridian Vaults folder:

    <PathToProgramFolder>\BlueCieloECM.MdbToSdfConvertor.exe ICUserDB.mdb -TUDB [-S[ql]]

  2. Set the ConnectionString registry value on the server as described in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Cyco\AutoManager Meridian\CurrentVersion\Server\UserDatabase.

  3. Set the registry value UIBehNet.Register to AMEDMRegister:IsNOTRegistered (BlueCieloECM.UIBehNet.Register to UIBeh.Register:IsNOTRegistered for release 2018 and earlier) on the server in the following key:
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cyco\AutoManager Meridian\CurrentVersion\Installed DataStores\<DataStore>\RegisterBehaviors

  4. Restart the AutoManager EDM Server service.

  5. Verify that the correct data is available in Meridian Enterprise and then remove the Access database files.

    The existence of lookup list databases can cause errors if queries exist in the vault script.

ClosedConvert Local Workspace Database

To convert a local workspace database:

  1. Run the following in the \BC-WorkSpace\<UserName>\<VaultContext>\__$$Environment folder:

    <PathToProgramFolder>\BlueCieloECM.MdbToSdfConvertor.exe __$$Vault.mdb -TLWS -PAMSupport [-S[ql]]

  2. Set the WorkspaceDB registry value on the client computer as described in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Cyco\AutoManager Meridian\CurrentVersion\Client.

ClosedConvert Any Other Database

To convert any other database:

  • Run the following in the folder containing the database:

    <PathToProgramFolder>\BlueCieloECM.MdbToSdfConvertor.exe <DBName>.mdb -TGEN [-P<DBPassword>] [-S[ql]]

    The optional [-S[ql]] parameter is for debugging or informational purposes only. It can be specified as -S or as -Sql and will display the output of the SQL statements that are executed.

2021 R2